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ISEK - Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies Popular Culture Studies

Stefan Groth

Stefan Groth, PD PhD

  • Privatdozent
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I am Privatdozent and senior researcher at the Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies (ISEK) of the University of Zurich and head of the Laboratory Popular Culture Studies. Currently, I am mainly working on political narratives and on the construction of Europe in non-European contexts. I have studied in Sociology, European Ethnology and Social and Economic Psychology in Göttingen and Udine. I have researched and taught in Göttingen as part of an Interdisciplinary Research Unit on Cultural Property, as a fellow at the Käte Hamburger Kolleg / Centre for Global Cooperation Research and as a postdoc at the University of Bonn.

I am interested in political anthropology and Europeanization studies; narratology, linguistic anthropology and the ethnography of communication; ethnography of organizations; methods in European Ethnology; cultural heritage and cultural property and sports culture research. My first book “Negotiating Tradition: The Pragmatics of International Deliberations on Cultural Property” has been published 2012 and is available as an open-access-version. Current edited volumes include „Vernetzt, entgrenzt, prekär? Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf Arbeit im Wandel“  (2020, with Sarah May and Johannes Müske), „Zusammen arbeiten. Praktiken der Koordination und Kooperation in kollaborativen Prozessen“ (2019, with Christian Ritter), „Ordnungen in Alltag und Gesellschaft: Empirisch-kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven“  (2019, with Linda M. Mülli) as well as the special issues on “Political Narratives” (Narrative Culture 6/1, 2019) and “Comparison as Social and Cultural Practice” (Cultural Analysis 18/1, 2020).