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Social and Cultural Anthropology, Gender, Reproductive Health, Assisted Reproduction Techniques, Surrogacy, Biotechnology.
Latin America (Argentina), Europe (Switzerland, Germany)
Catalina Kranner obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the National University of San Martin (UNSAM) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She obtained her Master’s degree in Interdisciplinary Latin-American Studies with a focus on Gender Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin (LAI), in which she conducted research about the intersection of technology, gender and reproduction in the practices of Assisted Human Reproduction and surrogacy in Argentina. She is part of the Project URPP Human Reproduction Reloaded | H2R, SP 3 Ethnography of Human Reproduction and Single Case as a doctoral researcher, supervised by Prof. Dr. Annuska Derks. In her current PhD project, she will be looking at the unique aspects of reproductive mobilities concerning Argentina, considering its legal landscape, cultural dynamics, and the experiences of both individuals seeking reproductive services and healthcare providers involved in this threshold area.