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ISEK - Institut für Sozialanthropologie und Empirische Kulturwissenschaft Ethnologie

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Zürcher Arbeitspapiere zur Sozialanthropologie

ZANTHRO is a platform for original research and discussion in the field of Social Anthropology.

In our ZANTHRO working papers series we publish articles based on ethnographic research, methodological and theoretical papers, long-form opinion pieces, as well as photographic essays. Contributions undergo peer review and copy-editing before publication.

The ZANTHRO Comments section is a space for shorter pieces that engage with current affairs and real-time debates in social anthropology and beyond.

If you are interested in writing a ZANTHRO comment or submitting a working paper, please contact the editorial board via

Submissions should conform to our author guidelines (PDF, 462 KB). "author guidelines" (PDF, 462 KB).

Editorial board:
Annuska Derks
Molly Fitzpatrick
Nadja Kempter
Olivia Killias
Esther Leemann
Tanja Luchsinger
Christine Schenk
Lindsay Vogt
Michelle von Dach
