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Pujo Semedi Hargo Yuwono will be a Senior Fellow at the Collegium Helveticum and a Visiting Scholar at the ISEK-Social Anthropology during the Autumn Semester 2024.
The online lecture series "Decolonising Anthropology" of the German-speaking institutes is entering its second round.
Immer am ersten Donnerstag im Monat werden im Völkerkunde?museum der Universität Zürich Filme zu ethnologischen Themen der Zeit vorgeführt. Im FS 2024 hat das Donnerstagskino das Thema «Gender, Care, Reproduction».
Lena Kaufmann has been awarded a highly competitive Ambizione Grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation for her project titled "Digital Agriculture: Sino-European Contrasts, Correspondences, and Collaborations".
Jérémie Voirol is developing at the ISEK the BNF project ‘The ethics of enjoyment: the case of Indigenous people in a globalised world’, based on his previous research projects.
The lecture series Decolonizing Anthropology is a collaborative weekly event organised by departments of Social and Cultural Anthropology (Ethnologie) in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland.
On November 2, 2023, a delegation from Universitas Gadjah Mada visited UZH.
Barbara Čurda is currently a visiting fellow at the ISEK - Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies. Her research interests comprise gender, corporeal practices, dance, the related question of heritage, and the intersections of the question of knowing or know-how with inequalities.
Annisa Hartoto is currently a visiting fellow at ISEK - Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies at the University of Zürich, where she will take on the role of a Postdoctoral Researcher starting in 2024.