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ISEK - Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies Social and Cultural Anthropology

Structure of the Master's programme in Social Anthropology - Major 90

The study programme is research-based. Students carry out fieldwork, a project in the museum or do literature-based research in the library. They attend a preparatory and follow-up colloquium, and their work culminates in the Master's thesis. In preparation for their research activities, they also take modules on anthropological theories and methods.

ISEK - Social and Cultural Anthropology has three main research areas/ foci: “Transformation and Development”; “Material Culture and Museum” and; “Ethics, Religion, Knowledge”. It offers modules in these fields of study, and students engage in smaller research-projects on these topics. Further modules with a regional, theoretical or methodological focus are also part of the study programme.

The Master's programme can be completed in four semesters. It is consecutive, i.e. a Bachelor's degree in Social Anthropology is required for admission. Admission without conditions is granted to students with a Bachelor's degree in the major programme Social Anthropology, or in the minor programme Social Anthropology of the University of Zurich. In the case of other degrees, the university examines whether or which additional requirements have to be fulfilled (see link to study regulations below).

The information on this page is valid until the end of the spring semester 2024. From fall semester 2024, the new study regulations for the Master's programme Major 90 in "Social and Cultural Anthropology" will apply.

Overview of the modules - Major 90 in Social Anthropology

Module group and modules

Major 90

Anthropological Theory 9 ECTS credits
Theories in Anthropology, 6 ECTS credits required
Lecture Series in Social Anthropology, 3 ECTS credits at least one Lecture Series
Anthropological Research 18 ECTS credits
Methods and Research Design, 6 ECTS credits required
Master-Colloquium I, 3 ECTS credits required
Fieldwork, 6 ECTS credits
Core elective: one of the three modules
Museum Research, 6 ECTS credits
Extended Literature Research, 6 ECTS credits

Master-Colloquium II, 3 ECTS Credits

Foci 21 ECTS credits
Focus Transformation and Development,
Research seminar 9 ECTS credits and thematic additions 6 ECTS credits
at least 21 ECTS credits from the focus modules, including at least 1 research seminar
Focus Ethics, Religion, Knowledge,
Research seminar 9 ECTS credits and thematic additions 6 ECTS credits
Focus Material Culture and Museum,
Research seminar 9 ECTS credits and thematic additions 6 ECTS credits
Thematic, Regional and Methodological Extensions 6 ECTS credits
[Non-focus related thematic contents], 6 ECTS credits elective
[Regional modules], 6 ECTS credits elective
[Excursion], 6 ECTS credits elective
[Summer school], 6 ECTS credits elective
[Museum internship at the Ethnographic Museum], 6 ECTS credits elective
[Methodological extensions (Methodenvertiefungen)], 3 ECTS credits elective
Anthropology of Asia and the Middle East, 6 ECTS credits elective
Other curricular modules bookable for fulfillment of the free choice rule (see below)
[various formats according to module catalogue and course catalogues] elective
Master's thesis 30 ECTS credits
Master's thesis, 30 ECTS credits required
Free choice rule at least 6 ECTS credits of free choice within the programme