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ISEK - Institut für Sozialanthropologie und Empirische Kulturwissenschaft Ethnologie

Summer School Southeast Asia in Motion

Grafik Summer School Indonesien

Work and Labour in an Interconnected World

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

The International summer school Southeast Asia in Motion: Labour and Work in an Interconnected World will take place this upcoming semester, from the 4th until the 24th of July 2021. 

The summer school will focus on the topic of work and labour in an interconnected world and introduce students to visual methods of ethnographic research.

This summer school is a collaboration between universities in Switzerland, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Thailand. If the current plans for vaccinations in the different partnering countries go ahead successfully, we will hold the summer school at Gadjah Mada University, in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. If this is not possible, we will conduct parallel projects in our respective countries. In this case, small groups of students will conduct ethnographic research in their own city while they comparing findings with groups in other cities who are conducting research on the same topic. 

At the end of the summer school, either the Indonesian or multi-sited option, international groups of students will bring together their results in a collaborative ethnographic film project. In order to realize this project, the students will receive input lectures at the beginning of the summer school regarding both the theory and practice of ethnographic film making.

The summer school is open to both BA an MA students. A prerequisite for attending the summer school is that you have completed your first year BA courses, done at least one methodenvertiefung, and that you have attended the Indonesian language course offered by our department. This language course will be held again in FS21, so if you are interested in participating, make sure that you sign up for that course.

There will be an online information meeting on Monday the 8th of February, from 10.00 – 11.00am. It is important that you attend this meeting if you are interested in participating in the summer school. Please register for this information meeting by sending an email to: If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Molly.